Wednesday, February 4, 2009

LAFCPUG, a Year of FCP and Confessions of a Seminar Junkie

Well, it’s almost been a whole year since I started this whole FCP and video editing journey.

I started my first FCP class Feb 18, 2008.  And started Final Cut Pro (the software program) for the first time on March 10th.

It was at that class that I learned about the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro Users Group and I attended my first meeting March 26th.  I’ve gone to every one since and because I love seminars and presentations and lectures, I’ve added many other events to my itinerary over the past year as well.

I’ve long been a fan of seminar-style learning, heck isn’t that what it was like in Kindergarten?  Someone who knows something much better than I, up there telling me how it all works.  Raise your hand, ask a question and get an answer or better yet, raise your hand, give an answer and feel all warm because you’re being praised for such a good job of understanding!

I’ve always been kind of a “brain” and “teacher’s pet” in the eyes of my schoolmates.  But one thing I was bad at was homework.  I procrastinated like nobody’s business!  Report due next month?  Why I’d wait until the morning of and copy stuff out of the encyclopedia, being very careful to “use my own words” for fear of being charged with plagiarism!  Despite all of that I made it through school fairly well and only partied my GPA down to a B+ my senior year of high school, when I figured I was just going to have fun.

I’ve given up partying and have improved my study ability in the years hence.  And now at an advanced age of forty-one, am filed with purpose and drive.

The motif of people who do well at what they do seems to be, “I’ve always wanted to do _____!  Ever since I was a wee lad/lass, I’ve been doing this in one form or another!”  I’ve done lots of things from childhood and I have to admit those things I’m pretty damn good at.  But there’s another type that I hope I am.  One that has always wanted to do something and then when he is finally able to put all of his resources together, he goes and does it and he excels a it.

Well, that’s my plan for editing and maybe a bit of film making.  I fully intend to win an Oscar for editing, even if it takes me to eighty years old.  Hopefully not that long but I’ll keep doing it until I do and beyond, (Insert your favorite deity or force here) willing.  I haven’t always done editing nor film making but I’ve always had a desire. (I even took a year off of high school to try to pursue cinematography.  Long story and I didn’t even get close to doing it but the desire has been there for a long time.)

Now, my love for seminars even transcends to tape and CD lectures.  I buy business related “infomercial” products too.  One of the best I ever bought was a business and marketing kit by E. Joseph Cossman.  Just amazing stuff.  When I go to lectures, I try to record, either by video or audio the event too.  Usually via a pocket recorder, these days it’s been with my Palm TREO 700p.  It can record video for hours.  What a great feature.  Heck, I have all my FCP classes and all of my LAFCPUG meetings on video.

I guess I would lump conferences and conventions in to my “lectureous” desires too.  I especially love to get swag at conventions.  I’ve been to three eBay Lives!  You don’t want to see my embarrassing collection of eBay trading cards!  The funny thing is that the free swag at the events always ended up paying for the trip to the conventions with more left over!

In addition to the LAFCPUG meetings this last year, I have attended the Apple Final Cut Server World Tour in L.A., where my wife won an 8G iPod nano; DV Expo; FCPUG Supermeet; Birns & Sawyer lighting seminar; Digital Cinema Society green/blue screen event and the HD Expo.

In addition to my FCP Editing class, I took Intro to Pro HD with Discovery and History Channel Producer/Director Jim Lindsay.  An amazing life experience where I learned a lot not only about shooting professional HD but also a lot about the business as a whole.  In this class, Shane Ross taught a couple days, we went to EFILM and to Plaster City Post.

This year, I also was able to be on set for Prison Break and meet with the director, DP, editors and an assistant editor of the show.

Truly, LAFCPUG has been “bery bery” good to me!  Not only do they have great presentations and great people to meet but also they have a raffle that, if you actually go ahead and buy some extra tickets for you will very likely win something.  Like I said, I have attended the last ten LAFCPUG meetings (they didn’t have a December meeting).  And I have won something from the raffle eight times and of the two times I didn’t, once was because I got there late and couldn’t get any tickets but even then I got some free pass to an expo!

This new year, I have been doing a lot of webinars and eseminars and podcast watching/listening and streaming video watching.  There is unlimited data in this vein.  And I plan on going to a lot of events.  I have to take a four month hiatus from LAFCPUG because of a class commitment, but it’s killing me….  I guess I’ll have to order those meetings off of iTunes!

If you are into FCP and are in the L.A. area, definitely check out the LAFCPUG meetings.  Here’s a link for more info:

Next Blog: Norman Hollyn and why you need to buy and READ his book, The Lean Forward Moment.  BTW, he’s going to be presenting at LAFCPUG in Feb, so go see that for sure!!!!

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