Friday, September 26, 2008

New Hardware and New Software

Last week we have expanded our editing suite to include a MacBook Pro and with Final Cut Studio 2. We also included some additional P2 workflow tools.

Thinking about the future, we are really excited about the next version of Adobe CS, CS4 and about what will come about from the re-working of the Scarlet camera from RED.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

See My Work on NBC

Soon you may be able to see some footage, that I will be shooting this weekend, on NBC.

Seems a friend of mine entered and was one of 20 filmmakers to win the first round of this contest:

Well, he has asked me to shoot the BTS (behind the scenes) footage for his short. According to him, his film will be aired on NBC during Night Rider and will include some BTS footage. Since that will be shot by me, then and thus, you will be able to see my footage on NBC!

That's pretty cool!